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  • Minecraft 1.12.2
  • Spigot 1.12.2
  • McProhosting


Vanilla - A survival only world where you can test your survival skills. Of course, this includes The Nether and The End. Hack clients are discouraged here, to promote a fair environment for everyone.  

Build - A creative world to experiment.


Bukkit: We use CraftBukkit as the standard server type.

PermissionsEx: Per-world permissions system. This allows us to keep survival worlds on a level playing field, while allowing different permissions in different types of worlds. Please don't nag for permissions. We're working on setting up a rank system and a way to advance.

WorldEdit: Used only by Owner & Staff. Please don't ask to use this feature. 

Vault: Enables our factions economy features.

Multiverse-Core: Enables access to all our different worlds

Multiverse-Portals: Allows us to put portals between worlds and locations for easy teleporting.

Multiverse-Inventories:This gives you a per-world inventory. It prevents people from doing things like going to a creative world to load up their inventories, then taking it back to a factions or vanilla survival world.

Multiverse-SignPortals: This allows us to make sign portals that you can click to teleport to another world or location. 

Multiverse-NetherPortals: Allows us to make portals to the Nether.

WorldGuard: This enables us to protect spawn and your builds from grief.

PwnFilter: This plugin has Regex capability, so it allows us to apply specialty filters to chat.

Essentials: The name says it all. This is a standard plugin that adds a battery of features to make your Minecraft experience more enjoyable.

EssentialsXMPP: This allows you to hook your XMPP account (e.g. Jabber, Google Talk, etc.) to our chat area, so you can communicate with people on our server, even when you're offline. This is probably one of the coolest, unknown and largely unused features. The owner uses this plugin to monitor the server while away.


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